Wednesday 22 April 2015

OUGD402 - Personal and Professional Practice - End of Module Evaluation

This has definitely been one of my favourite modules so far and I have found during this module that I really enjoying creating a brand from scratch.  Because I enjoyed this module so much I feel like I produced better work because I enjoyed it as I kept going back to improve it probably more than I would have with any other module. With studio brief 2, I started to try and organise critiques because I needed feedback, and as a result I started to go to the second years crit box/crap box. I think that if I hadn't got such valuable feedback from the second years I would have definitely felt a bit lost with what to do with this module. But with their direction I was able to experiment and have fun with my designs rather than not knowing what to do.

I found it very useful looking at different studios and other artists for inspiration and to see what the current trends are. I wish that I had found the courage to contact some of the studios that I was interested in but I feel that I'm not at a stage where I would be able to do that in terms of the level that my work is at.

I think if I was to complete this module again I would give myself a budget and try to experiment a bit more with materials and techniques. I could definitely improve my current business cards if I had more time and more money but as a student I didn't want to fork out on expensive stock or printing online. I would also try and explore work that isn't my style or maybe that I don't particularly like to see what goes into and try to learn new things from them. 

Overall, however, I am very pleased with what I have achieved this year. I think my work has improved leaps and bounds since I joined and will continue to do so.

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