Wednesday 26 August 2015

OUGD502 - Summer 2015 - North Yorkshire Open Studios

I went to an open studios event in North Yorkshire which meant that I could wander around other artist's and maker's studios to view their work and in some places see how they make it. I felt like this was a very inspiring trip as I got to see all sorts of different mediums of art as well as talking with the artists themselves. 

The first studio I visited was in somebodies home. It was a beautiful barn conversion and they had numerous artists displaying their work there in different areas of the house. 

Etched and sculptural pieces were on display.

I was particularly taken with the naive styled prints in one of the bedrooms. The pops of colour on white paper really drew you into the prints, most of which were either lino cut or screenprinted. 

Next was a rag-rugging studio which was also really inspiring to show how you can take some old woollen jumpers and turn them into such interesting and textural pieces of art. 

I visited many other studios but didn't get many more pictures. I felt that this experience has enlightened me on the world of self employed artists. This is definitely something that I am interested in as I would love to illustrate and do print making as much as I would love to work in a design studio. They are both equal passions of mine. Also talking face to face to other artists helps me get that foot in the door for any exhibitions or fairs that they might be in.

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