Monday 16 November 2015

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report - SNASK articles

After I decided that I wanted to do Snask for my creative report I started to look out for any other articles or interviews that they have appeared in or written. I found that Snask (Freddie Ost) writes a section in the back of each issue of Computer Arts magazine named "snaskified" that contains their quirky style as well as useful tips for aspiring designers.

I also contacted a previous graduate of our course who is in contact with Snask to get her help on how to approach them and what tone of voice to use. She was really helpful and suggested that I read up a lot about them before contacting them and perhaps do something different if I was trying to email them to ask for an interview. 

Below are some of the articles/interviews that they have done recently:

Washington Post Magazine Cover

Desktop Mag chat with Snask

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