Thursday 12 November 2015

OUGD502 - Study Task - Dreams/Wish List

In our session today John talked about how important it is to be yourself and have your own personalities when it comes to creative design. Everybody is different and we each express ourselves in different ways. Our task was to write down our dreams for our lives and our careers. At first thinking about this was a bit daunting but when I started to think of my own practice I came up with a lot of goals that I could probably reach.

I really like the idea of being able to have my own printing studio. Ever since I discovered print making I absolutely love every aspect of it, so having a printmaking studio with screen printing, letterpress and lino cutting facilities would be awesome. To be able to expand my knowledge and possibly even teach others this I think is my biggest dream.

One of my other dreams, which might be quite achievable to do, is to learn round hand calligraphy and other types of calligraphy. I have actually started to practice with but not properly. My calligraphy style at the moment uses the rules of round hand calligraphy with my own looser style. 

Also thinking about it a lot my dream job would be an illustrator - maybe even an illustrator for children's books. However I don't feel like I have my own style of illustration so that is why I chose to do graphic design instead. I equally enjoy both subjects, I just enjoy the freedom of illustration more, how it can be taken way from the computer screen and I could do it anywhere. 

Additionally I would love to travel the world someday - especially Scandinavia. I seem to be drawn to there because of its beautiful scenery and relaxed and laid back attitude to life. 

From looking at all of my wishes/dreams for my career I think that they are all possible within my lifetime. It's just about putting my mind to it and practice. 

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