Saturday 31 October 2015

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report Ideas

After the creative report briefing I instantly had a list of people in my mind who I might want to interview. The first on my list was Snask, due to their international acclaim I thought that this might be a long shot. However I simply love their attitude to design and their work.

Another designer that I have been interested in lately, and who is more local, is the LCA graduate Eve Warren. Her packaging solutions are very inspiring and considering that I would like to go into this sort of specialism in my own practice I thought that it would be interesting to speak to her about her successes after graduation.

Also I am quite interested in the studio Made Thought, though they are based in London I really love their analogue work and how it's mostly based on publications and printed materials rather than design for screen. Once again this might be a long shot due to the size of the studio and how busy they might be.

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