Tuesday 26 January 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report - Research

Having sent an email with my questions to Fredrik Ost I decided to research some publications ready for when I get the answers back. I decided on a printed publication because I feel like it gives me more creative freedom to arrange the interview in many different styles. Also I feel that Snask studios does more physical work than digital work so a physical publication would suit them much better.

This particular publication really caught my eye. This isn't just because of the bright, poppy colours but also because of the bold use of typography. I really like the combinations of patterns and text rather than using imagery, this gives the publication a playful feel, making readers want to read more because it looks fun and inviting. The non-traditional layout designs also add to this playfulness, pushing readers to really explore the whole page and look at it from different angles.

This publication is a lot more sophisticated and fashion focused. However I really like the use of the half cover using different stock on the front creating a reveal of sorts, making the reader want to pick it up to see what is inside. The coloured stock choices contrasted with the abstract patterns created through photography also works really nicely once again intriguing the reader to turn to the next page. The layout is quite innovative in the fact that there are fold out pages so that the publication can provide extra imagery or text that could be read while still looking at the previous page. 

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