Tuesday 26 January 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report - Interview with Frederik Ost

For the article could you take a selfie of Snask working in your studio, pretty please?
Here's one from our wrap up of our film production we recorded last week:

And here's a photo of us working on it in the studio:

It's an online course that we remade into a TV-show format.

Are you a dog or a cat person?
DOG! Cats are so deceiving, dogs feel more honest.

Do you prefer tea or coffee?
Coffee everyday of the week. It's the black gold, the water of life.

Describe Snask in 3 words
Pink, champagne and creativity.

How did you come up with your manifesto? Is there a story behind it?
During our student years we just started to write down a lot of statements about things that bothered us or things we really felt like standing up for. It became a 95 statement long list of good and bad ones. In the end we singled it down to the 10 most relevant and that's how it came to be. It's still changing whenever we feel that it should or need to. Conservatism is nothing we would ever support.

What is your favourite thing to do within the design process?
Not sure. I think the whole process is fun with seeing the result as the peak of it.

What is a typical day like in Snask studios?
Everyone gets in around 09. Coffee, headphones and meetings. Everyone are very independent here without being lonely. We all have our own responsibility to deliver and we all know that we are superstars within each and everyone's specific ability. Everyone are also doers so no one needs to get told what to do. We all eat at 12.00 sharp except for Richie, who's British. In Sweden everyone eats lunch at 12, not sure why. After that it's back to work, building something by hand or something else entirely. At 17 we go home. Sometimes someone works overtime but we want people at Snask to have a life on the side, otherwise they will get depressed.

What is the most outrageous/weirdest thought or design you have come up with?
It must be our peeing election we made at a music festival many many years ago with PJADAD. It was a general election for the Swedish government that year and we felt that young festival attendees didn't care too much for politics, which is just very very stupid. So in order to get them to take a stand we drew every party leader's face and made a hole in the mouth that we connected with a rubber pipe and down to a transparent container. People then pee'd into the mouth of the party leader they least wanted to win. Guys pee'd straight in, girls pee'd behind it into a cup and poured it in. Since the containers were transparent you could see the amount of pee in every one of them. The one with the least pee would win the peeing election. The people got very engaged and a lot of the parties that were there said they never seen such engagement for a government election before. Kids took stickers and put them over the mouth of their own party leader and some even asked if other people could pee in a certain mouth just to make them loose. See photo, the only one we got and no, it's not high res.

Infogad bild 1

What is your biggest design pet peeve?
Probably clients who don't understand the process or importance of design. Otherwise it must be people who think technology is the key to design, like 3D or stuff like that.

A lot of your live action work is stop motion animation, how did you first get into this?
Actually we call live action work every film that is not stop motion or animated. But yes, we do a lot of stop motion. Richard Gray was a huge factor in this since he did one of the first client stop motion films for us and since become a legend within this field.

Snask’s work is always so colourful and bold, but I wondered, do you have a certain colour that you just won’t use or dislike?
Not at all. We love every color and it all depends on situation.

Do you have any advice for any new graphic design studios?
Be yourself. Fuck the conservative world and part of our industry. Make sure to be big online, not in your local community. Be pro equality within our industry when it comes to gender, ethnicity, class, sexuality etc.

If you had to choose one font, that was the only font you could use for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Not sure at all here. If only one was allowed for us then Helvetica is a tempting choice. However we find it extremely boring, not because of itself but because everyone use it and most often in exactly the same way.

Finally, if you could go back in time what advice would you give to 20 year old you?

Don't go to the Greek island COS to work for 13 weeks(!) and end up dyeing your hair blue and wear a shark tooth necklace.

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