Saturday 6 February 2016

OUGD502 - Taking Care of Business - Presentation and Evaluation

Presentation Slides


Overall I was really pleased with how we pitched our studio concept. I felt like we came off as quite professional and had thought quite a lot through. However I wish that we had looked more into where to actually find the start up costs and into grants.

I feel like my performance within the group was not as good as it could have been. I didn't do much for the presentation other than compile the research and provide designs for it. I feel like I could have been a lot more active in creating things for the pitch as well as getting our USP perfect. Although I did find it fun working with other people who are like minded and want to do the same sort of design as me. I felt like the rest of my group definitely pulled their weight and more, especially Daisy who kept in contact with us and helped us even after she had gone back to the Netherlands. I would be up for continuing with Roots but I feel like the others don't want to continue. But doing this brief has definitely made me rethink what I want to do after I graduate, I am now leaning more towards a career in traditional print rather than in a regular design studio.

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