Thursday 18 February 2016

OUGD503 - Study Task - "Me"

We passed round a piece of paper around the table in order for people to write words that they associate with our personalities. This way no one would be scared to be honest. 

The Perceived me:
  • hard working
  • passionate
  • speaks out
  • always positive
  • professional
  • happy
  • young
  • open minded
  • welcoming
  • always concentrated
  • cardigans
  • outgoing
  • hardworking
  • vegetable
  • vegan
  • funny

I was quite surprised at how positive all of the things that I got back were. I thought that people might be honest and put some things like "picky" which is definitely how I see myself. It just shows how your opinions of yourself greatly differ from people's opinions of you, which boosts my confidence a little. 

For my resolution I decided to make up my face using the words that people had described me as. This represents a sort of mask that people see, when I feel only I can see the real me.

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