Thursday 11 February 2016

OUGD502 - Studio Brief 1 - Creative Report - Development

As soon as I got the answers through for the creative report I knew what colour scheme I wanted to use. The classic Snask pink with a navy blue to compliment it, as has been used in previous Snask designs. The particular colour that I chose for the background was based on a GF smith stock colour called "Candy Pink" which I thought was very fitting as Snask is Swedish for sweets. 

I started out with the design being quite abstract with inspiration from the one of the magazines that I had looked at that combined bold boxes with patterns. I liked the idea of using this to separate up the text with patterns to make the page more lively and fun as I feel like this reflects the nature of Snask. 

I also decided to duotone all of the images that I was given in order to make them look more effective on the pink stock that I had already chosen. Also I really like the contrast that it provides and adds a bit of extra interest than a normal full colour image. 

For the front cover I knew that I wanted to play around with the idea of a half cover so I created a design that would work with and without the half cover on top of it. So the title of the publication would always be visible when the cover is "closed". I also added the imagery here because they were so small in size I didn't want to make them pixelated so to add a highlight to the front seemed to make more sense to me. 

After looking back at the double page spread again I realised that with the rectangles and patterns the page felt really cluttered and it was taking away from the interview rather than adding interest to it. So I decided to strip it right back to just the text. Also I found a great script that contrasts with the font that I used for my favourite quote from the interview. In my opinion the spread looks a lot better for having room to breath. Once I had decided on this simplistic two column layout I filled out the rest of the spreads.

I readjusted some of the boxes and patterns on the first page as well as adding a pattern to the front of the half cover. I was initially going to have a title on this bit but I don't think that this is necessary with the text underneath the half cover. 

I also drew a small portrait of Fredrik to add that extra bit of tongue and cheek to the publication to further represent the nature of the studio. I wanted to make the portrait look like one of the old victorian silhouettes in a fancy frame. I can only hope that I have done his face justice!

I reordered the layout of the second double spread to accommodate the new changes as well as highlighting some more quotes that I found interesting throughout the interview. I feel like this breaks up the big blocks of text nicely too. 

I had to make a few final changes to get the pagination of the booklet right because the number of pages has to be a multiple of 4. I added a sort of finishing line to the publication which I think works really well and I feel like it was a spark of last minute genius!

I also added a small introduction about the man himself as well as why he has inspired me to interview him for my report. If I was to remake this publication I would probably make the layout a bit more consistent and spend a bit more time arranging the type. I feel like there could have been a much better way of presenting it but I didn't know how else to do it. 

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