Thursday 10 December 2015

OUGD502 - Study Task 2 - HORT One Day brief

Today we were briefed on a one day brief to complete for Hort, a studio that hopefully we will get to visit when we go to Berlin. A little bit about Hort:

Launched in 1994 (originally as Eikes Grafischer Hort), Berlin studio Hort initially developed a sizeable reputation for its music industry-based design projects. Since then it has demonstrated both versatility and an approach to experimentation through the juggling of big client work (Nike, Volkswagen, The New York Times) and equally fascinating self-initiated output.

For the design I decided that I wanted to play with paper cut after looking at a lot of Snask's work. And the idea of a 3D message to Hort was my best thought. It didn't take me long to figure out what to say because I wanted to keep it cheerful and playful. So I went with "Hello gorgeous Hort".
The production of it took a lot longer than I had anticipated, originally I was going to have all of the letters in "Gorgeous" completely 3D with nets and everything but there simply wasn't enough time to do this. So I ended up just laying the paper cut on the work surface and propping up the other words with thick board legs on the back. However this contrast between perspectives of 3D and 2D creates more interest to the composition so it worked in my favour.

What I particularly liked about this was that I could take away the "Hort" and have a general message to everyone so I can use it on my social media pages and so on. 

I was really happy with the end result and I hope that Hort likes it too!

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