Sunday 6 March 2016

OUGD502 - Communications Officer Campaigning

I took the plunge and nominated myself for communications officer for the students union. I felt like it would be a really good experience to create professional designs and get them printed professionally too. Hopefully if I get the role I will be able to use these skills and the experiences in the industry so I'm that one step ahead of other designers recently graduating. I also really like the thought of being able to say that I made something at Uni - having my work up around University and getting all the exposure would be great. 

So I started to design my campaign around my name. I thought that a more humorous campaign rather than one of a more serious nature would click with people better. So I played on my name giving myself the tagline "Hats off for Hattie" using hats as the main part of my campaign.. For the leaflets and posters that I will use I wanted to show my personality both as a person and as a designer so that people know what they can expect. So I went for something typographical yet quite illustrative to represent me.


I illustrated lots of different types of hats for the back of the leaflets to relate to the tagline and hopefully it will bring a smile to peoples faces. Especially the fact that I added some silly hats into the pattern like the fez, party hat and deer hunter hat. 

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