Thursday 17 March 2016

OUGD502 - End of Module Evaluation

Throughout the second year I feel like PPP has helped me to realise finally what designer I want to be and what goals I want to achieve within my career. In taking care of business I benefited from finding new studios that I liked and hearing other peoples thoughts for their future. It is just generally inspiring working with other people in a collaborative way. Yet I do feel like I could have done more for the presentation. The creative report helped me massively as a person and a designer to realise what to do after graduating. Fredrik Ost said that it's best to be yourself and not change for anyone so this is what I'll do for the future. I feel like I should work on my strengths within design rather than trying to broaden my horizons in order to be more likely to get a job. I realised that if a studio was looking for someone they would pick someone with a specialism and not someone who is a generalist. Having talked to him being one of my idols I definitely feel more confident in approaching designers and just having a chat rather than thinking they will bite my head off if I ask anything. Also revisiting my branding made me see how much I have progressed as a designer in the short space of a year. I feel so much more confident with everything now and I hope this confidence boost will continue through to level 6. As a person I am better at presenting now and especially being part of more collaborative briefs I have found that I do have group leading skills that I never really knew that I had.

Overall throughout the module I feel like I have engaged with every part of PPP that I can. The only thing that I don't feel like I have engaged with enough is looking for studios to do a placement at over summer. However now I have got the role of Communication's Officer role at the student union I will be working on the Fresher's material over summer which will be a challenge in itself. So I am still unsure about what to do with myself this summer. I am kind of disappointed that the PPP module has ended so early this year as I feel like I could have done a lot more with it.

For next year I plan to revert back to doing the design that I am really passionate about. I haven't done much packaging design at all this year because I thought that I wanted to focus more on branding. But I found that branding and packaging can be heavily linked. I definitely want to do more packaging next year. Also I want to continue to pursue my interest in traditional print methods. With the opportunity of designing the future fresher's collateral I think I will try out more sustainable methods of design too, including risograph printing which uses soy based inks so it is a lot better for the environment than most printing processes.

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