Saturday 5 March 2016

OUGD502 - Design Strategy Presentation

I wanted to keep my slides for the design strategy presentation quite minimal and not too text heavy as I felt like I could talk through most of the points to go through. Also I used my updated branding to tie the whole presentation together and I think that the minimalism suits my revised logo and branding. 

Presentation Slides 

The feedback that I got from the presentation was really positive which was nice. It was picked up on how some briefs had informed some of my others. Like the Logo-starter brief informing my CoP essay. Also my tutors liked that I want to focus on client led briefs in the future because it helps to create a tough outer skin to other's views and opinions about your work. I think this is something that is essential as a designer because if you are not willing to take harsh criticism then there is no point designing for anyone but yourself. 

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