Monday 27 October 2014

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 1 - Crafts Fair at the Corn Exchange, Village Bookshop and Colours May Vary

On Saturday I went on a trip around Leeds. I started out by visiting the vintage kilo sale in the Trinity church, which was every thrifters idea of heaven - big barrels of flannel shirts and rails full of knitted jumpers and cardigans. I managed to get myself a couple of items including a very festive looking jumper. 
We then went on to the Corn Exchange to visit the Village Bookshop but we found that there was a craft fair on once we got there.

 I had to take pictures of these delicious sweets! They smelt amazing too, I could have eaten them all.

I love the architecture of the Corn Exchange, the roof is simply beautiful and very inspiring. It creates an amazing atmosphere, as if you're standing outdoors in a big clearing.

I was also fascinated by these candles that were moulded from human skulls. They were huge and I loved the textures and colours that were created by the wax.

Finally after being side tracked I arrived at Village! Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures inside because I was too busy reading the books!

We also took a trip to Colours May Vary, which I enjoyed immensely. The sheer amount of design books with beautiful cover illustrations was amazing. We spent a long time flicking through the various magazines and books that caught our eye.

I fell in love with one book in particular - Adventures in Letterpress - and I had to buy it. I'm very much inspired by letter pressed work as it has a certain quality about it, with bold large type that you wouldn't find elsewhere. I love all the old style fonts that are used and even how much you can experiment with using the types by arranging them in different ways. I'm hoping to try out letter pressing very soon after flicking through this book!

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