Saturday 3 January 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 1 - Screen Printing

This screenprint was what initially inspired me to create my prints. I found it while attending the screen print induction. After attending the induction I really wanted to have a go at Screenprinting, so me and 2 other people on the course went down to the drop in session in the hopes of creating our own. I felt like I learnt a lot on that day as I could watch people print and apply that knowledge with my own prints. Having never done any screen printing before I was very excited to get started. What I didn't anticipate was how long a silk screen takes to prepare. It required cleaning, then drying, then applying the photo sensitive emulsion and then drying again. And then there was the exposure, more waiting.. Over all it took the whole afternoon from 1 till 6 for me to prepare my screen and produce prints. 

Some examples of stocks at the screen print room. I decided that I would print on thick black stock and normal smooth white stock.

Printing set up 

This was my final screenprint. I am really pleased with the results, the gold ink works superbly on the black paper. It even shines in the light, making the speckles look like stars. I also printed some on the white paper which I think works equally as well. 

I plan to create another piece in the future so that I can do more screenprinting as I really enjoyed the whole process. I might try and do some designs onto t-shirts or tote bags and maybe try to sell them on. 

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