Thursday 8 January 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Research - Made Publishers

After finding this journal during my page layout I research I wanted to look into the Studio or artist that created it. I love print design and I have always been interested to try doing some editorial design as I haven't really tried it before now. Made Publishers seemed like the perfect people to get inspiration off for editorial design due to its diverse range of magazines.

I found that it is produced by a company based in Melbourne and New York called "Made Publishers" who produce and print a number of different magazines.

"Founded in 2007 by partners Thomas Williams and Amber Hourigan we produce editions and books dedicated to design, photography, fashion, art, architecture, health & lifestyle." 
I really love their simple, modernist style that they have applied to all their publications, and this is a style that I aspire to use some day as I feel my style can be a little naive sometimes.  

One of their publications known as the "Process Journal" specialises in design and designers. So it would be interesting to have a copy of it to see what type of designers they choose to show case. 

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