Sunday 15 March 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 1 - Now tv logo change

Old vs New

I thought the original logo was effective in both its tone of voice and overall communication. The use of the 'play' symbol in the counter of the 'o' works perfectly to show you what their service is about. Also the boldness of the font emphasises the word now, making it clear that you can watch anything anywhere. There isn't much difference with the new design in my opinion minus a font change. They have removed the clarity from their logo in my opinion by removing the play button. However saying this the logo does seem friendlier for not having harsh and sharp corners.

I do like these designs where they have changed the 'o' into different imagery to represent the things you can watch. This adds a playful side to the brand. Yet I still question whether a complete change was necessary - this concept would have easily worked with the previous logo. It has definitely made me think about questioning whether a design needs changing or not.

What the designers say:

NOW TV believe the very best entertainment should be for everyone, so we also wanted to make the brand feel as democratic and inclusive as possible. And in a world where big, epic, glossy and price driven messages dominate, we wanted to build a brand that got back to what great TV is all about – fun.

So NOW TV is all about giving people the TV they really want, without any of the stuff they don't. We developed the brand idea "Easy Entertainment Satisfaction" to capture the fun, spontaneous nature of the service and building out from this, we created a brand experience to brighten up the sector.

The new visual expression brings the new positioning to life using bold, bright, and colourful elements, as well as a distinctive 'O' device that emphasises the awesome content at the heart of the service. 

Rest of it here.

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