Tuesday 31 March 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 1 - Studio H

When looking for some inspiration in packaging design I came across Studio H which is based in London. They specialised in packaging and branding which I would also like to specialise in maybe in the second year. I was thinking of trying to contact this studio for some work experience, however they are based in London and personally I don't like London as a city at all. It's too busy for me and there are too many people - I'm much more of a country person. I much prefer places like Leeds and Manchester where there are still people about but you can walk out of the city centre and it will be quiet and peaceful. 

I simply love the freshness of their work - all of the identities are unique and suitable for each company that they have designed them for, there is no one particular style that they follow.

This design in particular caught my eye, I love the use of a very simple colour palette - letting the colour of their products shine through rather than covering it up. Also the logo being a logotype rather than an icon is really effective because it can be placed and used in so many different ways so it isn't limited to one design. This design has definitely inspired me to think about simplicity within my designs - to not overcomplicate things and keep some designs pared back to let the product shine through. 

Also I found this tea brand, which is really simple using patterns as the ornamentation of the design. I like this because the label draws your eye because it is placed right in the middle of the patterns, breaking it up. Also the use of tins rather than boxes makes the product seem a lot more sophisticated as it would have commanded a higher budget. I have got into pattern design recently so this is quite inspiring for me to look at. 

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