Thursday 12 February 2015

OUDG402 - Studio brief 2 - Creative CV

I decided to also do a creative CV as part of my self branding so I could sell myself further. I started with a very simple design, accenting it with my favourite colour of blue. I thought that I could make it more interesting by having my 'Design stats' as progress bars for each of the parts of graphic design that I have done this year. 

I tried adding the yellow in as a frame of sorts to contrast the blue but I feel like this makes it look a bit like a menu. However from a distance it draws you to the piece of paper as you want to read it rather than having a plain white background.

Next I tried a more bold colour choice, having the whole background in yellow and just framing off the title and my logo. I really like the brightness of the background but I fear that it makes the key information harder to read and may give the reader a bit of an eye ache. 

After having a critique with some second years and some of my peers I decided that this format of CV was probably not very interesting and has been done a lot before. I need to make myself unique and stand out so I decided that I should create a CV booklet, which would be a more tactile product. Maybe this will make a more memorable impression too. 

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