Monday 9 February 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 2 - Final Logo Development

I chose this as my final logo design as I feel it is the most succinct design - it combines my initials in a playful and not too serious way, adding a curved edged line rather than a straight one has really helped with softening the tone of voice to a more friendly one. I also found a new font to use instead of Futura, it is called Quicksand and I particularly like it because of the beautiful ampersand and the curved edges again which makes it look welcoming. 

I also added colour to my designs. I decided that the whole concept of my brand should be friendly and welcoming and yellow connotes this. It's bright and pleasing to the eye.

Alternatively I also have used a sky blue as this is my favourite colour. I found that the two colours work well together and slightly contrast each other for a pleasing effect. I thought that maybe I could alternate the colours depending on if my work was illustration based or design based. Even on the business cards I could have two versions - one for design and one for illustration as I feel like I am equally strong in both areas.

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