Thursday 12 February 2015

OUGD402 - Studio brief 2 - Business cards

I started out designing the back of the business card as I felt this is the most important side, the other side will just be for show. I kept to the theme of my logo, using the same font and also displaying it on the back. I put all my relevant information in, but I tried to put it in a really informal, chatty tone based on my concept of welcomeness. So I introduced myself and used "call me" etc instead of the usual telephone, email, website that is usually used. I thought that this might make me stand out from the crowd a bit and make me seem like a more approachable person.
I played around with adding a block of colour but I'm not sure whether it works that well. It does add a pop to it but your eye is drawn to the colour rather than to the information, which I want to be read. 

I briefly worked on the front of the card, contrasting my logo in yellow on black. I think the black background is much too harsh for my design and it doesn't look that welcoming at all. I think it would look better the other way around - black on yellow but I am going to sort out the back of the business card first.

Then I created a pattern using the negative space of my logo which looks a bit like a medal or a ribbon and overlaid this on the back of the card. I think this once again takes away from the readability of the key information. Although I do really like this pattern, it can be viewed in two ways - with the yellow ribbons or with the white space creating what looks like pencils or arrows. 

In the end I reverted back to my initial design but removing the dotted border to give the text more room to breath. I also added my illustration of myself onto the card to add character and my personality to it. I tried using the pattern as the front cover and I really like it like this but I feel like overall the business card doesn't show what I do as I have just used the logo icon.

So I added the full logo into the design and framed it like in Marta Llop's design. I really like the contrast of the bold black lines against the bright yellow as it really pops out at you. I can imagine when printed this yellow will look great and make you want to pick up the business card.

I tried once again adding some pattern to the cover but I really think that this takes away from the clean lines and simplicity of my design. I feel like with the block yellow background it looks like a picture framed on the wall so all your attention is drawn to the logo and no where else.

I added in the contrasting blue design and I think that it really makes the design pop. It is just what the card needed to stand out. I then had a critique with the second years and they said that the front of the business card was perfect, but the back was a bit confused. They said I should separate the illustration and the logo and maybe instead have 2 different cards, one with just my illustration and the other with just the logo on the back. I agreed with this and thought that I could also alternate the colours I have used to further differentiate the 2 and make the cards like collectables so that people would want both cards. Also they said because I have my logo on the back, it isn't needed on the front so I could remove it and make my name bigger.

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