Sunday 1 February 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 1 - The Pavement Poet

When walking to the train station on Friday I came across "The Pavement Poet" (he has a facebook page here) who was writing a beautiful poem on the road near Trinity. There was a little crowd gathered and I managed to snap some pictures while I was walking past. There was some of the Leeds City Wardens speaking to him and saying that he should wash it off, but I think it was harmless, with the nature of chalk it washes off in the rain anyway. It worries me that people think so little of culture and art now a days. I wish I could have stayed longer to watch him write because it was fascinating and so inspiring.

I've had a look on his Facebook page today to find that the council did indeed come and clean the chalk writing off. I find this upsetting as it wasn't done in a malicious way, it was done to make people smile and inspire, which it certainly did for me. 

He actually filmed his poems being jetwashed off ( a bit of an overkill if you ask me )

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