Tuesday 10 February 2015

OUGD402 - Studio brief 2 - Pixel mini me

I am very much inspired by the TV show Adventure Time for a lot of my illustrations as I love how simple yet effective the styling is. The characters lack a lot of detail yet they still have quirks and personalities. So I thought for part of my self branding I could do a mini-me for use on my website or in some of my stationary. At first I drew over the thumbnails that I had drawn within my sketchbook.

I tried to add some details to the design by using textures to make my jumper and jeans look like fabric. I really like this style as I think it is very friendly and playful compared to a photograph. I think I may use this vector image or at least part of it within some of my branding. 

But I wanted to simplify this further and combine it with another one of my loves since childhood; video games. So I looked up some tutorials on how to create pixel artworks and created a mini me using the pencil tool in photoshop and a pixel base that I found (here).

The result is a lot more kitsch than the first one but I feel it represents me more (and I look quite adorable!). I wanted to add more on the basis of video games so I decided to create some "stats" as if I was a playable character. 

The overall effect is charming and shows two of my favourite things in the world (adventure time and video games). I don't know whether this is the correct tone of voice for self promotion however. Perhaps it is a little too playful. I much prefer this to my original vector designs, she feels more alive and less stick-like.

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