Thursday 26 February 2015

OUGD402 - Studio Brief 2 - Website Design

I have always really wanted to have a website to get my work out there for people to look at so I thought that it would be relevant to create one for my self branding. As I don't know how to use Dreamweaver, Wordpress or any HTML yet I thought that I could use one of the online "build your own" sites. I chose the site weebly because it is simply a drag and drop site where you just add elements to set themes.  I chose a very simple but bright colour scheme of the blue to match my logo and to entice people in. I wanted to keep up with the concept of my overall brand which is to be approachable and to look friendly. So I added some informal titles and used informal buttons on the front page to get people to actually go on to look at my work.

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